Walk This Way

June 22, 2006

Man it is going to be a busy weekend, so if I do not write until Monday do not be alarmed, I simply have had my internet cut off at the old apartment, and not had it turned on at the new one. I don’t like it either, but the roomie who has the cable in his name is returning the modem tomorrow, so what can I do?

In other news I talked with Chris today and he recommended walking, so that is going to be the plan. Beginning July 1st I will walk 20-40 minutes a day. I don’t know how much distance this will cover, but I figure it is a great way to start getting my body prepared for more formal exercise.

I will figure out how much I walk to and from work, and if I need to throw on a little more distance I will probably just get off one subway stop early, or maybe take the line that brings me to Trader Joe’s, that way I can do some grocery shopping and then walk home.

As much as I do not care for moving, I can’t wait to get the whole thing done and over with. After work tonight I picked up the garbage and crap in my room, put most of my clothes into boxes, all that is left is packing a few more clothes, stripping the bed, and putting a few other items into a box. I feel like leaving here is in many ways leaving my old lifestyle behind. And that is a good thing.

I enjoyed the last several months here on the ocean, my roommates were older but we all got along, but because not much goes on in Marblehead during the night time I would often stay in and be less active, which is what I am trying to change.

Beginning Saturday or Sunday I will be staying with my friend Jason, then he and I, along with our friends Samantha and Stephanie will begin living together in Brookline. Not only is this place great, but it will be a lot of fun. As we speak I am hunting for beer pong tables, although with my diet it is far more likely to be a red wine table for me, although I can see bacardi and diet cola sneaking its way in their, everything else is just too many calories.

Everyone seems to like the idea of a two year time frame as well, but as I have been saying, this 18-24 month journey is meant to last a lifetime, but taken one day at a time. I really am not nervous, this website has become like my own little support group. Rather than be bored and eat I can just come here and write, share what I have been reading, and really just open up. Sure, my friends listen to me when I feel like talking on and on and on, but there is something almost therapeutic about sitting down and typing all of this out, almost like having a conversation with yourself.

No, I’m not crazy 🙂

But back to walking. I really want to get a feel for my neighborhood when I move to Brookline, and I feel some good old fashioned foot patrolling will allow me to do that. Here in Marblehead I never really walked around town, I would go to the beach, but never in town, and as I get ready to leave I feel that in many ways I never really got to know this area all that well.

As for Brookline, and Boston in general, there are some great parks that I plan on exploring, from the Fenway to the Commons I am sure I can find beautiful scenes, and with some luck, maybe a nice spot to take a girl to for a nice look at the Boston skyline.

I came across a great walking program called Take30, developed by our friends across the pond in England by a group called The Ramblers. They have a ten week walking program that I am contemplating, but I feel it is a good enough resource to list on the blogroll. If I did do this program I would see it out from start to finish, which means the Gym would be on hold until Mid September. I will think about that.

2 Responses to “Walk This Way”

  1. Toni Says:

    Hey Ryan,
    Just a quick suggestion for the beer pong table. You might want to try one of the low carb beers that are on the shelves. I’ve tried a few and to be honest it’s not too bad…it beats the heck out of not having beer at all!

  2. ryanoddey Says:

    I think for me it will be red wine 🙂 but I suppose there is always Michelob Ultra

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