Moving Sucks Part 1

June 26, 2006

Yeah, so moving sucks.  This past weekend I packed up shop in
Marblehead and went to live with Jason for a few days, before he and I, along with Stephanie and Samantha all move to
Brookline to our sweet new apartment.  I can’t wait, mainly because I want this moving crap to be over with.

I know, moving is exercise, and considering this website I should be all happy that I got some exercise, but let us remember, if I liked exercise I wouldn’t need to be going on a Fattle.  Not to mention most exercise doesn’t involve navigating a 29 inch TV down a spiral staircase and straining your back, or re-injuring that old elbow injury. 

Of course it wasn’t all bad, we didn’t have the internet or cable over the weekend, so really it was like camping, and I never camped in such a large house before, of course by the time I realized that I was bored with insanity the pain of moving had set in, so I just went to bed in the hopes of sleeping it off.

Of course that never works, and the next morning I woke up as stiff as a bored.  No, not that kind of stiff.  I rolled out of bed and did the Night of the Living Dead Zombie walk, which as only slightly improved today. 

Fortunately I get to do it all again in a few days as we start moving stuff to the new apartment, then I go home and start Fattle.  I am going to go ahead with the ten week walking program, and if along the way I am not getting the results I want I will find something else.  This is a start, and that is good enough.

Christ, even typing makes my elbow hurt.

At least all the food that was in my old place has been disposed of, so I can start with some good Fattle Food at the new place.  It is going to be a long week, but I look forward to the end of it, Fattle starts in less than a week.

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